Sunday, August 16, 2009

So close

to being home!

Here´s my thought - if I was staying longer, I wouldn´t mind it at all. But since I´m going home...I´m really excited!! I´ve also gotten really bad about keeping my daily the last blog installment (which should come tomorrow or Tues) will be weak sauce.

I´ve been hanging out with a new group of peeps this weekend. Saturday, we went to Tigre and it was BEAUTIFUL. As I sat on the top deck of the boat (we toured the delta) in my DRESS and soaked in the was heavenly.

Last night, I also went out for Indian food with some friends. If you know me, the fact that I was excited to try Indian food and not fearful of what it might be like is a big deal! I got a little nervous when ordering, but when my food came - chicken korma - it was amazing!! Definitely a fan.

Today was brought in with rain and cold again. I slept in, then actually worked on some homework I´ve been meaning to do all summer. I went by the Recoleta market in the afternoon, but it was weird because only about half of the vendors showed up. I think I´m good on souveneirs, save one or two things I´m going to pick up at the store....aka food, because that has seriously been one of the best parts of Buenos Aires for me. Tomorrow is the feriado for San Martin, a favorite hero of the people. He liberated Argentina, as well as Chile and I think Paraguay from Spain. I don´t really have any plans, except to work on my memory book. It´s currently just a drawer full of trash that I need to convert into my book.

Tuesday I´m going to try to find some boots, as well as my last class with Maricel, as well as picking up the rest of my payment from Language Roots.

And then Wednesday will just be last errands and my final class at San Tarsicio! Whew...three months as of today.....three days left as of today. Cool.

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