Monday, August 10, 2009

Fail at shoe buying....

Wednesday, July 29th

I have to love those Betty classes, as they require me to wake up around 7:15. I made it almost on time though, and we got started. She did inform me that Friday would be her last lesson because she has to spend next week getting ready for her trip to Miami. I still don’ t feel like she’ s ready, so I decided to give her lots of questions that will hopefully be useful for her during the conference.

I decided to walk home in lieu of the crowded subte, and I took a different way. There are always temptations and new things to see along the way – whether it’s a confiteria or a cool shop, like the watch/clock shop I saw on a new street. I got confused because I thought I should be on Charcas, but turns out a different street exists near Santa Fe that runs parallel to Charcas in this one part of town I was in. Cool. Always learning new things.

I interviewed Ines, the woman who runs one of the language businesses for companies now. She taught high school English back in ’75, so it’s a bit of a stretch for the thesis, but I figured it couldn’t hurt. She provided some interesting thoughts, as well as some new terms for me – like ‘economy of elements.’ She really is passionate about what she’s doing though, which is nice to see.

Back at the Roadhouse, I worked on my lesson plans and told Alyssa bye. I also ran into Sebas, who happily informed me that he was leaving for a year abroad Saturday and that I was invited to his going away party on Friday night. I was super excited, which you would understand if you saw his joyful face, and even more so when he was like, not everyone is invited from Road, but of course you are! Giddy might be the more appropriate word, actually.

Rebe came downtown with me as I sought boots at a store sale. I found a pair I actually really liked, but then they didn’t have my color nor my size. I’m pretty sure I’m a size 40 here, which was the biggest size they carried. The guy mildly laughed when I asked him. Gah, big feet.

Came back, told Alyssa bye, finished lesson plans (my lifeeeeeeee. The difference with what I’m doing more freelance is that I can’t just follow a textbook), and then watched a bit of a movie with Rebe.

Then I headed home, changed, and went BACK to the Roadhouse, where Rebe and I met up and walked to a tango show at this restaurant. I had forgotten to write down the exact address, so we were kind of walking blindly. As we exited the subte, someone tapped me, which gave me a bit of a fright. Turns out it was Jon, who said he kind of knew where we needed to go. Turns out he was completely wrong, but then we saw a Road person, and found out the wrong address had been sent out so he was actually right. Cool.

We got in and sat down at a new people. Most of the winter (your summer) Road people have left…Rebe is one of the last ones to go this week….so we didn’t know most of the people. However we met a cute couple – Sierra and Terrence, who invited us to a gathering at their house the next night.

I wasn’t going to get anything at the restaurant, but you know what happens when you smell food, so rebe and I split a cheese/onion pizza. It was really yummy! During this, the band was playing. They were good, and I enjoyed their tango music. They were a sextet, but at first there were only 5 people onstage. Oh, then the singer came out. Making it a sextet. I preferred the quintet, but I lean towards the instrumental side myself.

The walk home was cold, and then I realized Maria Laura had left out some chicken for me. Even though I was really full, I ate it before going to bed.

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