Wednesday, July 29, 2009

still alive

I'm still alive! Just running around pretty quickly this week. It HAS to be the busiest teaching week for me AND the last week that my friends are in town. Eh, c'est la vie.

I seriously had a 12 hour day yesterday from leaving the house, teaching, traveling, and finally returning last night. 5 different classes. But it was really fun AND I'm making the plata. So no complaints here, just exhaustion.

I'm still not sure what the plan is for my birthday. It will involve 3 English classes, hopefully a good dinner from Maria Laura, perhaps a final tango lesson with some free passes Rebe scored, apparently a stop-in at Sebas farewell party (the founder of Road2Argentina...he is leaving Argentina for a year abroad on Saturday!!), and certainly at least one boliche. We plan to ring in the night with a sunrise and medialunas. It should be fantastic!

So yea, the week is blowing by, and Internet time is lesson plannign time. This afternoon I'm working on finishing my lesson plans for the rest of theh week and then one class this evening before a tango show!

Oh, I also dyed my hair darker --- I love it! Once I get a good picture of it I'll post it here.

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