Friday, July 17, 2009

no jazz...but MacDo?

Friday, July 11th

So this morning I slouched around the house not feeling so great. I didn’t really do much at the house before heading over to the Roadhouse and Internet. Oh, except I did pick up some Sprite and crackers from the guy at the kiosk near the House. He recognizes me now, and we exchange the typical generic pleasantries, but it’s cool because it’s in Spanish. At the House, I was pleasantly surprised to find my brother online and able to chat. So I got to talk to him and my mom and dad, as well as my cousins James and Josh.

So that was a pump-up, and then I talked to Allyson and Sarah and Anthony a bit, then I spent the rest of the time working on lesson plans. Oh joy, but I was happy to get through most of them. It means I won’t have to stay up late another night.

That was really my Friday. Most places were still closed for the long weekend celebration, etc, so the town was pretty quiet. Rebe and I were going to go to a jazz bar. So I returned home, changed, met Rebe at the corner, and we went out. Alas, when we arrived, we found the place completely pitch black. We knew we weren’t wrong because a friend had been last week and had told us that it was in the back of a c.d. store so you almost miss it. But the whole place was locked because I definitely shook the door.

So we dejectedly walked back, and like the cool kids we are, we stopped in McDonald’s on our way back. This was my first McDo experience in Buenos Aires, so I ordered a hamburguesa con queso, making sure that she made it plain, con un pequeno de papas fritas. We ate and people watched because there were some interesting characters there. After that, I went to sleep, which was actually really exciting because Maria Laura turned on the heater in my room. It’s still not a sauna, but I was able to just sleep in a shirt last night instead of a jacket, which was wonderful.

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