Saturday, May 30, 2009

Friday Fun

Yay Friday!!

Slept in, got up, had some more galletitas (yummy little cookies), and went with the jeans & tshirt combo. Feelin' good. And only wore a light jacket - it wasn't too cold!

In class, we started by comparing notes on how our classes went. Everyone seemed for the most part relieved. Then Eammon gave some general notes that he felt the entire class could use before our classes tonight. It was funny, because at various points you could notice everyone twitching a little as he hit on something they remembered doing.

My part was when he mentioned being "over-praising" ...aka telling everyone good job and not offering constructive feedback, and giving the students "options to participate". Those were the two points when I was like, oh, yea, that was me.

So we talked about asking good questions (not "do you understand") and about reading comprehension. It was really interesting, and this is my shoutout to the Writing Center: I feel confident asking questions and making sure they're not yes/no - thanks Margarette! I also think those interrogative skills have just improved loads b/c of working there. Asked Eammon to look at my lesson plans for tonight (grammar is harder; teaching "to be going to") and he had.....well, let's just say he had a lot to say. So I had a busy afternoon.

But first, we breaked, and Angie, Alison, and I headed to lunch. We picked a random cafe, and I had a hamburger. Yum. They know how to cook here (yes, mild jab at France) and it was really good. Almost a little more similar to meatloaf. Didn't get drinks, so we just loaded up back at the center. Hilarious convo about dating/proposals/marriage, but too lengthy for here.

Headed back, and worked on my lesson, trying to add time. Headed back to the house, after hearing a story about how a girl got pickpocketed yesterday. She had a zippy bag, just like me, and crossed Santa Fe (which I cross everyday). She felt someone take out her wallet, but when she turned around, there was just a gaggle of people. A good reminder to keep my purse in front of me!

Got some advice from Martin about how to present my lesson, then headed back to the Center. I only had two students, but Eammon pulled 3 from the advanced class, so I had five. For the two intermediate, the lesson was at the correct level, but for the 3 upper, it was easy. It was fun though, and my only concern was that my whiteboard drawing was messy. Next time I will be more structured. I prefer upper-levels because it's easier to explain and you can actually have a conversation. The lesson lasted the entire hour because they kept asking questions and we hit a few tangents.

On the way out, one of the advanced guys happened to be walking the same way as me, so we chatted for a while. He must've been 60, but his English was really good. I also tried to get some good ideas for what to teach the Advanced class next week. My basic impression is that they want to practice talking and to be challenged. K, so topical seems to be the appropriate choice.

Came back, and helped Martin move out...sad day. I've lost my conversation partner. Then ate a rushed dinner, changed, and headed out with the Roadies to a club.

BTW - third near-death experience with a bus. So the streets here are mainly one way. So a bus stopped, and I thought the light had changed (this street didn't have a pedestrian light). So I begin to step out, then around the bus whips ANOTHER bus going at full speed. I JUMP back, perhaps let lose an expletive, and the guy next to me is like, "ehhhh cuidate." So tip 1934, the buses pass each other, when one stops (at its bus stop, not at the light). You may think I'm exaggerating, but I kid not. Those things are terrifying, huge, and fast.

This is a pic of Rebe, Hasil, and me at the club. Apparently one of the guys knew the band at this club. Well, we showed up around 10:30. Guess what, nightlife starts around 2 a.m. So with about 15 people, we comprise the warm bodies of the place. Get a drink, and am just hanging out, chatting with people. Then the band starts, and they're pretty good. They played some of their songs, and then some classics, so all in all it was a fun hodgepodge of singing, dancing, swaying, and general raucousness. Of course, I HAD to get a picture with the drummer after the show ;) Got a cab home, and was in bed around 2:45. I'm going to have to work up to this whole stay out until the sun rises business.

Today I've just been lazing around, spending waaaaaaaaaaay too much time trying to buy a ticket to Uruguay tomorrow, reading med school essays, and generally just chilling. About to go search out a church with Rebe (expecting little to no difficulty in finding a Catholic church, no?). Hopefully we'll make the Saturday mass!


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