Friday, October 16, 2009


I'm hanging out in the lobby of the hotel, deliriously finishing up a few loose ends before I leave country in apprx 6 hours! I haven't slept much lately, so I'm going to get everything ready then sleep for about 3 hrs before we head out.

I missed the last briefing b/c I came in late after the Points of Light ceremony featuring President Obama, Dr. Gates, and former President Bush 41. That was pretty awesome and I recommend watching it online if you get the chance.

At my mini-debriefing, I was reminded that toilets are typically holes in the ground, so I will get to practice my squatting skills (thanks Uncle Billy tho for already warning me of that) and we also learned that 41 will not be joining us in Beijing at the recommendation of his doctor. While that is a bummer, there are still many other people I am excited to meet.

I have email corresponded with my Chinese roommate, who is studying to be an English teacher. I think we will have lots to talk about :)

Finally, I'm just hoping that jetlag won't hit me too hard! I have taken certain measures to induce crashing on the plane, so we'll see if that works.

Love love love to everyone back home!!